Thursday, November 13, 2008

Breaking News

At exactly
3 Years
3 Months
10 Days
7 Hours
8 Minutes

Benny went peepee in the potty! Not everyone would consider this success, but we do! At the very least everyone can agree it is a break through! This is the kid that cries and clings to me when I put him on the potty. Up until today he wouldn't go in the potty even if he had to go. I could put him on the toilet and he would actually hold it. Tonight I put him in the tub and in a panicked voice he said, "I am going peepee in the tub!" I pulled him out, dropped him on the potty AND he finished in the potty! Travis and I made a huge deal about it and let him pick a prize. He was really proud of himself. I am very hopeful that this is the start of diaper freedom.


Lisa said...


Jaina said...

Yay Ben!!!! I hope he keeps it up! You must be so excited! :)