Saturday, January 3, 2009

Benny and the Chocolate Pancake

We took the kids to a local cafe for lunch this afternoon. It is one of those places you can order breakfast all day. Everyone ordered lunch, except Ben. Benny wanted pancakes.

Ben: I want pancakes!
Me: Okay, do you want chocolate chip pancakes or plain pancakes?
Ben: CHOCOLATE chip!

When the pancakes arrived I asked Ben if he wanted me to cut up his pancake or fold it in half so he could eat it like a sandwich. He chose sandwich style so I folded the pancake. Suddenly the kid flipped out. He wanted no part of the pancake. He wouldn't even take a bite. We patiently explained that if he didn't eat his pancake that we would take it home for dinner. By the end of the meal the pancake was still untouched so we packed it into the environmentally incorrect styrofoam box. The kid didn't have anything for lunch. When dinner rolled around I warmed up the pancake and presented it on Ben's favorite plastic plate. Again he flipped out. Travis asked him to look at him so he could explain the benefits of eating his pancake. Ben refused to look at Travis, shutting his eyes and covering his face. Let the standoff begin. Ben is the most stubborn person in this house; unfortunately for him he picked a fight with a close second on the stubborn scale. After several minutes on the steps for disrespecting his dad he was invited to come back to the table to try his pancake. Travis convinced him to try a bite of his pancake. Upon taking an ant sized bite he gagged and spit it out into his napkin.

Ben: I'm full.
Travis: Do you want me to save your pancake for breakfast?
Ben: Yes.

As soon as the pancake was safely in the refrigerator Ben asked me for a bite of my chicken chili. Ben hates the chicken chili, but for some reason that was better than his favorite food with chocolate on it. I had to hold my ground and deny his request. He even tried to eat the crust of Lauren's grilled cheese on wheat bread. I stopped him in his tracks. He will not be eating until he eats the pancake that he ASKED for. This kid is just stubborn enough to starve himself. To be continued...


Lisa said...

so....has he had the pancake yet?

Jaina said...

He turned down chocolate chip pancakes?