Wednesday, April 22, 2009

More Bennyisms

Ben has been so funny lately. The funniest part is that he isn't trying to be funny!

Yesterday I opened a Capri Sun for Ben while we were outside playing. As soon as I handed it back to him he took off to play again.
Me: clearing my throat as a subtle reminder to say thank you
Ben: Still walking away from me
Me: Clearing my throat louder
Ben: Turning around. Mom, are you trying to say something?

Tonight after bath time before he had his pajamas on he picked up the basketball and started dribbling trying to show off. He was doing a pretty good job when he lost control and the basketball hit him right in his naked privates. Then Ben says "Ohhhh, game over, that hurt my penis!” When I got out his underwear he said, "Stop! I need my Spiderman underpants, my penis needs a superhero!”

"Kiss me mama, I love kissing girls!"


Jaina said...

Out of the mouths of babes. Too funny.

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