Monday, March 23, 2009

Stinky Hog

My father-in-law is in town looking for a house. He is going to move closer so Travis and I can help him. He lives alone and can use some extra help. He bathes daily, but unfortunately he doesn't wash his clothes as frequently. The nicest way I can say it is his clothes smell like B.O. When he arrived yesterday he was RIPE! We drove around town house hunting. It was a lot of smell in a small space! This morning while Jack was getting ready for school Doug decided to get ready for the day too. Like I said, he is used to living alone. Jack needed to get in the bathroom to brush his teeth, but Doug was busy taking a bath, shaving, brushing his teeth, etc. He was in the bathroom for over an hour! I told Jack to go wait by the door because we needed to get to school. Jack got to the bathroom only to discover that grandpa was still hogging the bathroom. Jack yelled down to me "Grandpa is STILL in the bathroom, at least he won't stink anymore!"


Anonymous said...

ahhhhhhhh from the mouths of Babe's

Jaina said...

Too funny.