Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's Real

I mentioned a week ago that Jack's sixth birthday wasn't feeling real to me because I hadn't done the massive amounts of planning that I normally do. The party is tomorrow, so today was cake day. My friend Trisha came over to decorate the cake as she always does (God love her!) as I stood in the kitchen giving her moral support. The cake looks fabulous, don't you think?

After Trisha left I started on the cupcakes for school. I decided that Jack was old enough to give me some input on what he wanted.
Me: What kind of cupcakes do you want me to make for school? Jack: Why don't you put green frosting for grass, then put a football on it?
Me: I was wanting to know what flavor you wanted, not how you wanted it decorated.
Jack: I don't care about the flavor, just about the decorating. I want it to have a football on top.
Me: Well, you are not allowed to have things that are not edible on the cupcakes at school.
Jack: Then I guess you will have to make the football out of icing!
Here is what I came up with. I am not one to toot my own horn (well, maybe I am), but I think they turned out pretty darn cute!


Lisa said...

GREAT job Kelli! The cake & cupcakes both look amazing!!!

Jaina said...

Those all look amazingly delicious. Happy belated birthday Jack!

Anonymous said...

awesome job Kelli, I won't show Rich. He would be sad he didn't get one :o) You know how he loves cake !!