Sunday, March 8, 2009

Party Of One

This weekend we have been working on putting Lauren's big girl room together. Travis is painting the walls 'pleasing pink' and I was washed her bedding and put it on her new (former guest) bed.

Lauren: Mommy, are you going to share this bed with me?
Me: No, I already have my own big girl bed.
Lauren: Then who is going to share with me?
Me: Nobody, you get your OWN room!
Lauren: But Ben and Jack get to share.
Me: Yes, they are boys and since you are the only girl you GET your OWN room!
Lauren: Why?
Me: Because when you get BIG, boys and girls don't share rooms.
Lauren: But, you and daddy share a room.
Me: You are right we do, but you don't get to share a room with a boy until you are married.

Now that I think about it, I should have used this moment to list all of the things she can't do with a boy until she is married. It is never too early to start, right?

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