Sunday, May 11, 2008


It must have been a man that started calling the bathroom a 'restroom'. I have not been to the bathroom by myself for over five years now. I certainly don't consider that restful! I don't want to further jinx myself, since I have post from almost a year ago about Lauren using the potty and she still isn't trained, but I had Lauren's diaper off the other day and she told me she needed to get another diaper on because she had to go potty. I suggested that she use the toilet and SHE DID IT! So, maybe we are getting close... So, when Lauren barged into the bathroom this morning as I was "resting" I indulged her questions.

Lauren: You going stinky mommy?
Me: Yes.
Lauren: Why?
Me: Because I don't wear diapers.
Lauren: Why not?
Me: Because when I need to go poo poo I just go in the potty and flush it down myself. I don't have to sit in poo poo, smell the stinky or wait for someone to change me.
Lauren: Couldn't you change yourself?

Apparently my message was lost. No worries, I am sure I will have the opportunity for another bathroom seminar tomorrow.


Mamarazzi said...

PRICELESS!! my side hurts from laughing!

Jaina said...

That is too cute. Good luck with future seminars, I'm sure she'll get it eventually. ;)